We are passionate about providing the highest quality English Tea Experience to our customers. Our dedication and devotion to this Incredible industry keeps our engagement on course!
I know everyone is asking & wondering where are we going? Have we found our New Location yet? When will we be open again?
This entire move has been overwhelming and taxing for me, my staff, family & friends; I had to make a very difficult decision to relocate from Downtown Akron, because of so many factors that impacted the operations of my BUSINESS, stress, my health and so much more... this was not easy at all; But it was actually the best decision for me and the Future of The Tea Lady!
Until our BIG REVEAL... we will offer off-site Pop-up services, Tea Party in a Box delivery/Pickup services, Special Events, AND MORE;
Our Dedicated Subscribers will be informed FIRST! So make sure you SUBSCRIBE ON OUR WEBSITE.
Keep us in your prayers, be patient - Because our Next Chapter will be AMAZING!
The Tea Lady Inc.
Renea Woods-Baylor, CEO
Have a comment or a question? Are you interested in booking our circle table for your book club or other discussion group? Send us a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
PAID Reservations only - We have designated days of operation, feel free to Check out our Schedule of events!
Request a Proposal*